Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 7, Assignment, Why blogging is good for your career

Read this article from CNN/Career Builder: "Why blogging is good for your career" at

What is your reaction? Why or why not would you recommend blogging to someone who is new to the online communication forms Twitter and blogging? Do you think you'll follow the article's advice and start your own blog?

Note: since Monday is Labor Day, your response to this assignment will be due by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8.


  1. I found the article to be very interesting. I’ll be ready for interviews next year and the employer’s view point on blogging could prove beneficial to me in the future. At this point in time, I wouldn’t feel comfortable about starting my own blog but would definitely share with others what this article stated. I would consider hosting a blog after getting more experience with participation and getting other people’s input on doing so.

  2. I think that it is always interesting to read about technological advances, and the article clearly portrays the fact that blogging and twittering are the ‘new thing’.
    I personally don’t blog or ‘tweet’. I have never felt the desire to, but the article made me think a little differently about it. If I thought that blogging would be good for my particular career, that thought would probably be enough incentive for me to start my own.
    I wouldn’t want to start to soon though, and I don’t believe that blogging would be very beneficial for me at this time. But we’ll see what the future brings.

  3. I think that blogging is fine for some,as for me, I am a very private person and I really am uncomfortable writing for others. Just doing this blog for class is pushing the limits of my ability. I would rather talk at or to someone than write to them. If my being hired for a job was to be decided by a blog, I would just find another job and be content.

  4. I believe blogging is good for your career. If you have a well-executed blog it sets you apart as an expert in your field. Many employers regularly Google prospective employees to learn more about them. I'm not sure if I would recommend it to someone who is new to online communication forms. It's very time consuming. You have to be careful about starting a blog and then stopping. You have to be committed. There is a possibility after I graduate that I may start a blog. Right now I am too busy to with school, work and family. Have a fun and safe weekend.

  5. After reading the blog article, I believe that blogging is good for some people who have good technical writing skills and want to share their personal information. I wouldn’t recommend it for a person who is very private about sharing their personal information.
    The author believes that blogging is good for your career; I think it is also good, but only for appropriate information. If you sometimes do bad things like drink a lot and do drugs, you might not want employers to see it, because many employers regularly Google prospective employees to learn more about them and they might see something they don’t like. I wouldn’t recommend blogging to someone who is new to the online communication channel. I’m not sure that I would be able to commit myself to something that I wouldn’t have time for. It's time consuming, and I would have to be careful about starting a blog and keep updating it.
    There would be a possibility that after I graduate from Globe University, I might start a blog if my writing skills improve. As of right now, I am too busy to with school, work, and family that I don’t have the time to blog.

  6. I found the article to be very interesting. I guess I had never thought of “blogging” as a form of being able to represent yourself to a potential employer. I can see both good and bad sides to this. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to someone who is new to the on-line communication forums. I don’t tweet, but I am involved in a few other on-line forums. My involvement though is for pleasure, not anything that is time consuming or takes dedication. I have friends that have started blogs and they have fallen by the wayside and I have to admit that I am afraid that that is exactly what would happen to me. For now I think I will stick with this blog, read others, and who knows what the future may bring.

  7. Hey Team,
    I read the article and found it very interesting as did so many of you. I think blogging is a good thing as far as technology has gotten with connecting with mainstream media. I think blogging will really help me in what my future plans are after graduation. Being in retail, and my future goals are to have my own business, which will be in retail, I can see blogging being a real asset to me.It would enable me to get my product known as well as find out what is out there that I might not know about. Hopefully, once I get going, I will definitely set up a blog account.
    There is no reason to be afaid to blog, just watch your grammer, punctuation, and blog only what you want someone else to know.
    Take care and Good Luck on all of your final presentations.

  8. I thought the article was interesting. I have never Twittered and until this course had never Blogged before either. I am not a technology lover but at the same time I realize technology is key to any industry in today’s job market. I think that it is interesting to hear that people are recommending starting personal Blog’s as a way to market themselves to prospective employers and such. I don’t have anything against Blogging or Twittering in general and if I found one that centered on something I felt passionately about I am sure I would contribute. I would recommend them to someone if I felt it could help them or if they might enjoy one. I personally will probably not start a Blog just because I have too many devices in my life already. Too many email accounts, Facebook or Myspace things to check and texting not to mention the actual telephone that it would overwhelm me to add one more communication device in my personal life. I do however think that if I felt inclined in the future and it was relevant to something in my life, some passion or career I would probably look into creating a personal Blog.

  9. The story regarding blogging for your career surprised me. I just never realized how important all this new technology is. Before I came to class I had never bloggged or knew anyone who did.
    This article made me open my eyes and think how important it is for a young person just starting out in their career. The article pointed out items such as, it shows your interviewer that you're tech-savvy and motivated, it gives you visibility and keeps you current, and brings you followers which might be helpful to your new employer and position. All these items are extremely important qualities to have in today's job market.
    For someone new to blogging, I would recommend them to do it but to go slow. Read other blogs and respond and learn from them. Know your limitations and always be truthful and honest. I would make sure this person understood that blogs are very public and to be careful in what they are putting out there. It seems this is the new way of networking, so yes, I would definately recommend others to try it.
    I may someday start my own blog if I am passoniate about a subject and wanted to share and receive comments. For now, I think I'll just stick to responding to your blog!

  10. I think that "tweeting" and "blogging" can be great tools when used correctly. However, you have to be careful what you put out there for the entire world to see or read. If you are applying for a job and they see your blog and it is filled with embarrassing or unprofessional information that can have a very negative impact on your career. On the other hand if you handle it correctly and want to display your writing skills it can also open lots of doors for you.
    I personally don't do a lot of "blogging" or "tweeting", but if it would help my career you can bet I would start.

  11. I think that blogging is a great way to show your writing skills. I know there are a lot of individuals that are not very confident with their writing skills. But like the article states, it depends on how you position it to determine how it will work for you. I would definitely recommend blogging to someone who is new to online communications. I believe it gives you a chance to read others points of views. It will also allow you to read and see mistakes that others have made. If you’re writing skills are not good, then joining a blog where writers help each to help you improve. Blogging can be to everyone’s benefit. You just have to choose the right one. I know my writing skills can be improved. I believe that with practice it will. Blogging has helped me tremendously. I have improved my writing skills by getting feedback from my instructor and learning from others mistakes. Right now I am an amateur writer, and probably will not start my own blog, but in the near future, it would be a great opportunity.

  12. I believe that blogging can help in many more ways than just sharing your thoughts. By blogging you are not only communicating with your readers but the whole world. I would recommend blogging to someone because it is a great way to share with others what you are passionate about. While you communicate your passions with the world, you can begin networking with other bloggers on the internet. This article has made me think about starting to blog and network with others that have different or similar passions. I may not jump right into blogging, but it will something that I can see myself doing in the near future.

  13. I am more of a private person, so I do not have my own blog nor do I Tweet. I use Facebook but I am not very chatty on it. I guess, I don't consider it blogging.I have always considered blogging as an online diary. Depending on ones career, I could see how it would help them advance. One good selling point was that someone could get an idea of the blogger's personality, work ethic and goals. Facebook and Twitter may be good for beginners as long as they feel comfortable doing it. Private people like myself, probably would not like it. As much as I like the article and the benefits of blogging, I still do not feel the need to begin one.

  14. I was surprised that blogging is good for a career. This class is the first blogging that I have done. I would tell someone new to online communications about blogging. They can make their own decision whether blogging is something they would want to do. I would probably not start my own blogging space at this time. Blogging for class helps me with my writing skills.

  15. I thought the article was very interesting and informative. It is a good idea to start a professional blog. I thought the article gave good insight about what to have in your blogs along with what not to have. I did not realize that blogging was actually used that much or that it is a tool to help your career. I will definitely consider starting a professional blog to help find myself a good career. I think that starting off by doing blogging for this class has really helped me understand blogging, I never knew what it was before this.

  16. I think the article was well written and good for giving helpful information. I don't think I will continue to blog after this class because to me blogging seems like work and effort. If someone had asked me about starting a blog I would tell them it would be a handy tool and maybe a good idea for them to try. I would also let them know about this article but most likely wouldn't suggest a blog to someone on my own.

  17. I don’t know exactly how I feel about blogging. The first time I ever blogged was for business writing class last quarter. The only reason why I am blogging now is because it is required for this class. I wouldn’t recommend blogging to anyone new to online communication; especially if they don’t understand all the negatives of online communication. When I look at other blog sites, I notice people have a bad habit of not caring about writing errors. I also notice many people don’t really care what they put out on the internet. They don’t understand that once the information is out there, there is no way to take it back. Would I start my own blog? Not at this time but I will have use for it in the near future.

  18. My initial reaction is that I never knew blogging could help with one's career. It's an interesting tool used for searching for employees and recruiting potential employees too. I wouldn't recommend blogging to someone who isn't technoligically savvy, but if you know how to use the internet and a computer I wouldn't hold you back either. It all depends on what you're writing about like the article said. If you are passionate about the subject it will show in your writing and if you are just blogging or "tweeting" for the sake of doing it, that will show as well. The last question is intriguing for me because I've often thought about starting my own blog someday. Whether it would be about my life, my career, sports, music, whatever it is, I think personally I'm better at organizing my thoughts on paper than in words so it might not be a bad idea for me.

  19. I found the article very informational. I would have never thought that blogging would be used to get jobs. I don't have a blog right now but I'm thinking it might be a good idea to get my name out there soon for potential employers to see. I was new to blogging before this class but really enjoy it!

  20. I would recommend blogging to anyone who is looking to advance themselves, both professionally and with their peers. Blogging allows one to get “out there” and share what is going on with themselves. One may choose to blog about their successes in college courses, a new job opportunity or interview, or something going on in their personal life. Blogging is a great way to put yourself out there and let people know what is going on inside your mind, without actually needed to talk with you face-to-face. As I stated, I would recommend blogging to someone who is looking to advance themselves, however, I would not recommend creating a Facebook to improve your professional image. Something like Facebook or Twitter does not, in my opinion, allow someone to present themselves in a professional manner. Facebook and Twitter are more or less a tool to allow old and current friends to stay in touch, and to allow family to stay in touch that may not live near each other. Personally, if I had a “professional” blog, I would put it on my resume or mention it to my potential employer so that they could get to know what I am capable of. One thing that is important to remember is that just because you have your Facebook or Twitter pages set to “private”….it doesn’t always mean that it is private. So, if you choose to update your status on one of these pages about your “drunken weekend”… may want to think twice! After reading the article, I think that I may start my own blog that I can reference future employers too to show them what I am capable of!

  21. The article had an interesting point of view. Some people may like to tell everyone and anyone about what is going on in their life or the things they have acheived. I'm one of those people that keep things to myself and don't tell everyone unless they are really close to me or need to know. If I'm applying for a job I think my work experience and the way I present myself during the interview should be good enough. I have never had a problem getting a job and even in school during moch interviews our principle had said he would have even hired me if I was applying for a job at our high school. He had also told the teacher I was the best one he had interviewed. I dont think having my own blog will change anything and probably won't start one.

  22. I found the article interesting. I have not created a blog spot for myself, I don't think that it would be benificial for me. I like to keep things to myself. I feel that my strong work ethic speaks for itself. My interviews always go well.
