Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 8, Happy Thanksgiving

Take the week off from blogging and enjoy the holiday. I will post the final blogging assignment on December 1.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 7, It’s not just about your resume and cover letter anymore

Read this article on digital information at

Follow the article’s instructions to see what you turn up about yourself on the Internet. When I do this, my personal blog and this blog, my book on Amazon, and my Linked-In spot come up, along with the other thousands of Erica Hansons in the world, most of whom seem fairly respectable.

While you do not have to tell us what exactly you found or provide links to those embarrassing photos, do write about your reaction to both the article and what you found when you searched your name on the Internet (if anything).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 6, Characteristics of a good boss

In business, you can think of a work unit as being the team and the boss as being the team leader. Even business owners and freelancers have bosses. A business owner has a boss when he or she works with a client to provide the service, item or benefit. An example would be an independent carpenter. A good boss for the carpenter would be a homeowner who clearly communicates what is needed and does not change the project halfway. A freelancer (whether a writer, graphic designer, temporary staff, or other professional) works for project leaders. My editor at the Dunn County News is a good boss because she gives me clear instructions and then lets me complete the assignment on my own. She also appreciates the work I do for her and is generous in praising my writing. For example, she told me once how much she appreciates that she doesn't need to edit or rewrite my articles.

Read this article on http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/worklife/11/09/good.boss.advice.cb/index.html Describe a boss or leader you’ve had who is a good boss. Give an example that illustrates what specific quality made him or her a good boss.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 5, Ensuring your email messages are professional

Read this article on email characteristics identified as pet peeves by a career planning consultant at http://stress.about.com/od/officepolitics/a/emailpeeves.htm The link should take you directly to the article. If it takes you to a list of articles, click on the one titled “Simplify your workday: 27 email pet peeves.”

After reading the two page article, what are your thoughts? What is your pet peeve about emails? Which one listed do you see the most? Have any emails you’ve received recently (or sent) been particularly unprofessional? If so, describe them.